A comparative analysis of the consumer valuation of retailer return policies in United States, Netherlands and Spain


Funding Body: Fulbright Commission

Type of Funding: Public

Main Researcher: Michael Ketzenberg

Other Researchers: Prashant Yadav

Term: 20/10/2008 – 30/11/2008

Project Description

Professor Michael Ketzenberg conducted a needs assessments, surveys, institutional or programmatic research in collaboration with Professor Prashant Yadav. Together they enganed in a comparative analysis of the consumer valuation of retailer return policies in United States, Netherlands and Spain.

Yadav, Thota and Agustin (2007) attempted to compute the relative importance factor of return policies in Spanish consumer electronics sector using a large sample conjoint study at retail and high traffic consumer points. Among the hypothesis they test includes “the marginal value of consumer return policy is decreasing the duration of the return period”. Ketzenbergh et al (2007) are also known to have conducted a survey primarily with student respondents to evaluate the value attached by a consumer to a return policy. Their work did not consider theduration of the return period but instead looked at the overall flexibility of returning on a codified 0-1 nominal scale. Additionally, their sample was drawn primarily from a North American or Dutch consumer base.

This project involving Michael Ketzenberg and Prashant Yadav carried out a comparative analysis of the two geographically distinct consumer bases regarding their attitude towards retailer return policies. Differences in research design, methodology and their impact on results was carefully evaluated. Small sample laboratory experiments was carried out in collaboration with other researchers at the Penn State University to test the final results.

Participating Organizations

  • Texas A&M University
  • Zaragoza Logistics Center
