Analysis of the logistics chains included in the intermodal transfer processes to and from the air mode. Quantitative and qualitative forecast of country/products mobility. Behavioral models, determining factors, comparative advantages and decisional elements in the use of the air mode for the freight transport


Funding Body: Ministry of Development, Airport Logistics Centers S.A. (CLASA)

Term: 2006-2008

Project Description

The objective of this project has been to determine the intermodal processes in the air transport cargo, as well as to feature the behavior of the agents that are involved in the logistics chain with the goal of establishing the most relevant parameters that will drive us until a decisional model for the use of the air mode.

For this, one of the purposes of this project has been to understand in a more precise way, the behavior that implies the election of one or another mode of transport, as well as to go deeper in the factors that influence in a direct or indirect way over the air cargo, either in the basic modality (main deck), pure cargo, courier and postal deliveries, and their complementarities or competitiveness with the rest of modes.

Participanting Organizations

  • Zaragoza Logistics Center
  • University of Zaragoza
