Fostering Logistics Innovation in Aragonese companies – Association of Innovative Logistics of Aragón – (Part 1)


Reference: 5029709S152

Funding Body: Aragonese Employment Institute (INAEM), Government of Aragon and the European Social Fund

Type of funding: Public

Main Researcher: Fernando Liesa

Other Researchers: Francisco Bordejé

Duration: 15-09-2009 to 15.03.2010


Description project

The project aim in the long-term to help creating knowledge-based companies (spin-offs) by a favorable climate to business initiatives, connected to the idea of technology and knowledge transfer. The intention is to improve communication between ZLC, market and society with the goal of spin-off initiatives, providing an opportunity of job development for researchers, and the general community of the center, students included. The implementation of the service in innovation support for companies is to promote and increase their competitiveness. The project will support specific companies and analyze both their needs of innovation as well as their long term business vision. Based on this analysis, the aim is to get to know the innovation projects the companies would have to undertake, providing the company with the support required to set up the project, identifying potential collaborators (research centers, other companies. etc.) and also any public subsidies or grants for the development of the projects. The goal is also to inform the companies of the new developments in R&D in the field of transport and logistics and in addition, to define a program to support the setting up of innovative, knowledge-based companies. The general goal is to establish the foundations to develop an innovative culture in Aragon companies within the logistics sector in such a way that they can develop their technology capacity and vitality in the long term.


Participating Organizations

Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC)
