Project for the development of the Zaragoza Airport


Funding Body: Centros Logísticos Aeroportuarios S.A. (CLASA), Plataforma Logística de Zaragoza (PLAZA)

Type of Funding: Private

Researchers: Susana Val and Jarrod Goentzel

Term: 2005/11/04 – 2006/11/04

Project Description

The airport of Zaragoza is a well equipped airport in aeronautical infrastructures with very low congestion, which has been possible to achieve an important place in the cargo transport, and particularly, in perishable transport. The main objective of the project has been to determine the possibility of reinforcing the demand by analyzing other segments or market niches with the aim of finding the optimal, which will make possible to reach thresholds that make profitable some resources that in other way will be economically unfeasible.

For this issue, an exhaustive analysis in the influence area of the Zaragoza airport has been done, as well as an analysis of the airport capacities, and external trade, which made possible to obtain the potential markets. Thus, we have studied current procedures that allow elaborating improvements from the economical, technical and legislative prospective.

Participanting Organizations

  • Zaragoza Logistics Center
  • University of Zaragoza
