Safe, ClimAte Resilient Infrastructure

Project Name: Safe, ClimAte Resilient Infrastructure
Acronym: SAFARI
Project number: 101147432
Funding Body: European Commission – Horizon Europe
Type of funding: Public
Main Researcher: Luca Urciuoli
Start date: 01/05/2024
End date: 31/10/2027
Duration: 42 months


Project description

SAFARI’s project aims to develop a generic digital platform for resilient port infrastructure, connected to large port communities, facing extreme weather events, with emergency management modules fed by operational, maintenance and analytical modules. The implementation of the SAFARI project will allow to: Maintain the port operation at 80% of capacity during the disruption periods;

Optimize the allocation of multi-modal transport assets before and after the disrupting event to reach 20% of modal cargo shift with less environmental footprint and to minimize the downtime during extreme weather events; Develop resilience measures to strengthen existing port infrastructure against extreme weather events. Ensure the safety of personnel, vessels and protect the biodiversity; Build a governance model and guidelines to address climate risks and hazards for port infrastructure. The SAFARI consortium aims to deploy new measures reaching a TRL 7 by the end of the project in different maritime and inland infrastructures of port partners, from North Sea, Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, that can minimize the impacts of the disturbances issued from the extreme weather events. Three pilot demonstrators are selected from the littorals of Europe, namely Port of Dunkirk (FR), Port of Seville (ES) and Port of Lisbon (PT).



  • Universite de Lille, France

Project Partners: 

  • American Mpiro Of Siping Hellenic Monoprosopi Etaireia Periorismenis Evthinis (Abs), Greece
  • Right-Click, France
  • Cma Cgm Sa, France
  • Fundación Zaragoza Logistics Center (Zlc), Spain
  • Aalto Korkeakoulusaatio Sr (Aalto), Greece
  • Universitetet I Sorost-Norge (Usn), Norway
  • Association Edhec Business School (Edhec), France
  • Lynxdrone (Lynxdrone), France
  • Antwerp Management School (Ams), Belgium
  • Rhoe (Rhoe), Greece
  • Liscont-Operadores De Contentores S.A. (Liscont), Portugal
  • Grand Port Maritime De Dunkerque (Gpmd), France
  • Administracao Do Porto De Lisboa, Sa (Apl), Portugal
  • Office D’exploitation Du Port De Tripoli (Oept), Italy
  • Association Internationale Villes Et Ports (Aivp), France
  • Autorita Di Sistema Portuale Del Mar Tirreno Settentrionale (Adsp Mts), Italy
  • Panepistimio Aigaiou (Aegean), Greece
  • Solutions Transports Industriels Et Logistique International (Stil), France
  • Autoridad Portuaria De Sevilla (Aps), Spain
  • Universidad De Sevilla (Usev), Spain
  • Sener Mobility Sa (Sener), Spain
  • Nextport Slu (Nextport.Ai), Spain
  • Marloconsult Lda (Marlo), Portugal


Contact data:

For more information about the project, please contact:

Luca Urciuoli, Principal Investigator, [email protected]


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101147432.