By Dr. Daniel Calcinaro and Dr. Mustafa Çagri Gürbüz
By Dr. Luis Wilbert and Dr. Yasel Costa
By Dr. Mustafa Çagri Gürbüz
Morales, M.M., Costa, Y., Sarache, W. | A three-objective stochastic location-inventory-routing model for agricultural waste-based biofuel supply chain | Computers & Industrial Engineering | Vol. 162 | December 2021 | 107759.
By Teresa Barros, Christopher Czech, Rodrigo Pérez and Dr. Mustafa Çagri Gürbüz
Fleischmann, M., Kloos, K., Noury, M., Pibernik, R. Single-Period Stochastic Demand Fulfillment in Customer Hierarchies. Journal of Transportation Security | Vol. 286 (1), October 2020 | pp. 250-266 | 2020.
By Dr. Mustafa Çagri Gürbüz
Xu, J., Gürbüz, Ç., Feng, Y., Chen, S. Optimal Spot Trading Integrated with Quantity Flexibility Contracts. Production and Operations Management, Vol.29 (6), June 2020 | pp. 1532 – 1549.
Carvajal, J., Castaño, F., Sarache, W., Costa, Y. Heuristic approaches for a two-echelon constrained joint replenishment and delivery problem. International Journal of Production Economics. Vol. 220, February 2020 | article N. 107420
Kloos, K., Pibernik R. Allocation planning under service-level Contracts. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 208 (1), January 2020, pp. 203-218.
By Dr. Alicia Martinez de Yuso
Wagner, L., Gürbüz, M.C., Parlar, M. Is it fake? Using potentially low Quality suppliers as back-up when genuine suppliers are unavailable.International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 213, July 2019, pp. 185-200.
By Dr. Mustafa Çagri Gürbüz
By Dr. Rafael Díaz and Dr. Spyridon Lekkakos
By Dr. Victoria Muerza
By Dr. Spyridon Lekkakos
By Dr. Mustafa Çagri Gürbüz
Acronym: NEXT – NET Project number: 768884 Funding Body: European Commission – H2020 Type of funding: Public Main Researcher: Mustafa Çagri Gürbüz Start date: 01/10/2017 End date: 30/09/2019 Duration: 24 months Project description The aim of the project is to put in place a cross-sectoral and cross-technological initiative at European level to increase integration […]