Dr. Aldo Arranz-López

Dr. Aldo Arranz-López

Researcher – Ramón y Cajal Fellow

Dr. Aldo Arranz-López is Ramón y Cajal Fellow at ZLC since January 2024. Before coming to Zaragoza, he was postdoc researcher at the Technical University of Madrid (2020). Then, he was awarded an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship and moved to Frankfurt (Germany), being part of the Institute of Human Geography at the Goethe University (2020-2021). In January 2022, Dr. Aldo Arranz-López was awarded with a Marie Curie Postdoc Fellowship, joining the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER).

Dr. Arranz-López has developed an accomplished, independent research career, focused on two main research topics: (i) accessibility planning; (ii) travel behavior modelling with special attention to the impact of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT). In these fields, he has been PI of R&D projects such as “iACCESS” and “iCHRONOS”. His research findings have been published in more than 25 peer-reviewed publications, including scientific journal articles and book chapters. Dr. Arranz-López has also made more than 50 contributions to national and international conferences.

Finally, Dr. Arranz-López is actively involved in several national and international research networks “Transport Planning and Policy” thematic group of AESOP and NECTAR “Cluster 6: Accessibility”. He also serves as regular referee for leading SSCI journals (e.g., Journal of Transport Geography, Transport Research Review, Transport Policy, Journal of Geographical Systems). Due to his academic reputation, he was nominated as panel evaluator of the R&D project program PROCIENCIA (Peru) in 2021.

Research Areas

Supply Chain Digitalization

The Supply Chain Digitalization Research Group is focused on how digital technologies enable the supply chain to attain situational awareness and context-sensitive decision making, becoming customer-driven, agile and responsive.

Transport Networks & Urban Mobility

The Transport Research Group works on issues related to infrastructure, freight transportation and mobility, logistics corridors and the transport policies of Spain, the EU and Latin America.


Social and Spatiotemporal Effects of the Digitalization of Activities in Urban Accessibility Planning

Project Name: Social and Spatiotemporal Effects of the Digitalization of Activities in Urban Accessibility Planning Acronym: eRBANITY Project number: PID2023-150210OA-I00 Funding Body: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities – State Research Agency. Co-funded by FEDER Type of funding: Public Main Researcher: Aldo Arranz Start date: 01/09/2024 End date:  31/07/2027 Duration:  36 months Website: https://www.erbanityproject.com/ Project […]

Grants for research of Excellence, Ramón y Cajal program 2022 for talent development, attraction and retention

Project number: RYC-2022-037650-I Funding Body: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities – State Research Agency. Co-financed by the European Union Type of funding: Public Main Researcher: Aldo Arranz Start date: 01/01/2024 End date: 31/12/2028 Duration: 60 months   Project description Ramón y Cajal funding program has the objective to train new generations of researchers through […]

An Integrated Approach to Enhance Food Systems Resilience, Advocating for Food Security and Uninterrupted Food Supply

Acronym: SecureFood Project number: 101136583 Funding Body: European Commission – Horizon Europe Type of funding: Public Main Researcher: Luca Urciuoli Start date: 01/01/2024 End date: 30/06/2027 Duration: 42 months Website: https://secure-food.eu/ Project description SecureFood adopts an integrated, systems-thinking approach that acknowledges and embraces the complexity of food systems, addressing them as an interconnected network of […]

REshaping Supply CHAins for Positive social impact

Acronym: ReSChape Project number: 101061729 Funding Body: European Commission – Horizon Europe Type of funding: Public Main Researcher: Carolina Ciprés Start date: 01/10/2022 End date: 30/09/2025 Duration: 36 months Web: https://reschape.eu/   Project description The main objectives of ReSChape project are: To analyse social, economic and environmental changes and disruptions (including Covid) and evaluate their [...]


The cycling boom in German cities. The role of grassroots movements in institutionalizing cycling

Werschmöller, S., Blitz, A., Lanzendorf, M., Arranz-López A. The cycling boom in German cities. The role of grassroots movements in institutionalizing cycling | International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Vol. 18 (6), 2024, pp. 534-545.

When e-activities meet spatial accessibility: A theoretical framework and empirical space-time thresholds for simulated spatial settings

Elizondo-Candanedo, R.F., Arranz-López, A., Soria-Lara, J.A., Páez, A. When e-activities meet spatial accessibility: A theoretical framework and empirical space-time thresholds for simulated spatial settings | Journal of Transport Geography. Vol. 121 | December 2024 | 10426.

Loyalty Towards Metropolitan Public Transport and COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from Madrid Region

Arranz-López, A., Elizondo-Candanedo, R.F., Soria-Lara, J.A. Loyalty Towards Metropolitan Public Transport and COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from Madrid Region. In: Feria-Toribio, J.M., Iglesias-Pascual, R., Benassi, F. (eds) Socio-Spatial Dynamics in Mediterranean Europe | Spatial Demography Book Series, Vol 3. June 2024, pp. 259-279 | Springer

The connections between e-shopping and sustainable transport choices – Comparing urban and rural environments

Arranz-López, A., Blitz, A., Elizondo-Caldanedo, R.F., Lanzendorf, M. The connections between e-shopping and sustainable transport choices – Comparing urban and rural environments | Journal of Transport Geography | Vol. 117 May 2024 | 103898
