Alumni Success story: Arturo Garcia Calderon. See Linkedin ZLC Graduate 2015 General Manager at Eurolift Peru. In 2014 you decided to leave Peru, your home country, and enroll in the MIT Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics and Supply Chain Management in Spain. Once you completed the program you secured an exciting opportunity with Clariant in […]
Alumni Success story: Sergio Arizcuren, Spain. See Linkedin ZLC Graduate 2016 Director of Logistics at Saica Pack Factory in Valencia, Spain Saica, que empezó en 1943 como una pequeña empresa de papel de seis trabajadores y hoy emplea a 10.000 personas en 9 países, es líder en el sector nacional y la tercera papelera más grande […]
Alumni Success Story: Carlos Arias, Senior Consultant Operations at Siemens AG
Not only the acquired knowledge in the Master helped me, but also the practical vision. The visits to factories in operation, to fairs, to talks by professionals of the sector… Everything helped to have a very complete training for your professional future.
Iulia Borca, ZLOG Alumni 2011 and Global Supply Manager at DSM.
Natalia Saldaña es antigua alumna del Máster en Dirección de Supply Chain (2017) y actualmente trabaja como Responsable de Compras en Grupo Arelux.
Through the Master I was introduced to one of the most recognized humanitarian organizations, Doctors Without Borders (MSF), which I have been working for since my graduation.
Gracias a la beca patrocinada por Colfuturo pude cursar el Máster en Dirección de Supply Chain donde pude formarme con expertos en temas que requieren ser fortalecidos en mi país.
Mark Boyonas, ZLOG Alumni 2013 and Global Supply Chain Transformation Program Manager at Dell
Iniciativa, proactividad y adaptación rápida al cambio son la clave para desenvolverse bien en este entorno tan dinámico.
The ZLOG program has been a heavy influence in my career in terms of the level of knowledge and skill that I have gained in and out of the classroom.
Alumni Success Story: Miguel Asín, MDSC Alumni 2011
Alumni Success Story: Sharmishtha Biswas ZLOG Alumni 2011 and India Manufacturing Excellence Leader at Johnson & Johnson
Alumni Success Story: Belén Gómez, MdL graduate
Alumni Success Story: Ann Allen, ZLOG graduate
Alumni Success Story: Javier Urquizu, MdL graduate
Alumni Success Story: Marvin Matus, ZLOG graduate
Alumni Success Story: Diego Robleda, MdL graduate
Alumni Success Story: Ludovic Bernad, ZLOG graduate