Topic: Transport Networks & Urban Mobility


Research initiative for Enhancing and Adapting Workforce Skills for Implementing Transport Automation with Employment Growth

Project Name: Research initiative for Enhancing and Adapting Workforce Skills for Implementing Transport Automation with Employment Growth Acronym: RESKILLING Project number: 101147328 Funding Body: European Commission – Horizon Europe Type of funding: Public Main Researcher: Susana Val Start date: 01/01/2025 End date: 31/12/2027 Duration: 36 months Project description RESKILLING envisions to implement a strategic approach, [...]

Social and Spatiotemporal Effects of the Digitalization of Activities in Urban Accessibility Planning

Project Name: Social and Spatiotemporal Effects of the Digitalization of Activities in Urban Accessibility Planning Acronym: eRBANITY Project number: PID2023-150210OA-I00 Funding Body: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities – State Research Agency. Co-funded by FEDER Type of funding: Public Main Researcher: Aldo Arranz Start date: 01/09/2024 End date:  31/07/2027 Duration:  36 months Website: Project […]


Safe, ClimAte Resilient Infrastructure

Project Name: Safe, ClimAte Resilient Infrastructure Acronym: SAFARI Project number: 101147432 Funding Body: European Commission – Horizon Europe Type of funding: Public Main Researcher: Luca Urciuoli Start date: 01/05/2024 End date: 31/10/2027 Duration: 42 months   Project description SAFARI’s project aims to develop a generic digital platform for resilient port infrastructure, connected to large port […]


MEDiterranean COllaborative LOgistics for the URban Space

Project Name: MEDiterranean COllaborative LOgistics for the URban Space Acronym: MED COLOURS Project number: Euro-MED0200522 Project website: Funding Body: European Commission, Interreg Euro-MED Type of funding: Public Main Researcher: Susana Val Start date: 01/01/2024 End date: 30/09/2026 Duration: 33 months   Project description Climate change is the foremost worldwide challenge. Among those contributing factors, […]


Grants for research of Excellence, Ramón y Cajal program 2022 for talent development, attraction and retention

Project number: RYC-2022-037650-I Funding Body: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities – State Research Agency. Co-financed by the European Union Type of funding: Public Main Researcher: Aldo Arranz Start date: 01/01/2024 End date: 31/12/2028 Duration: 60 months   Project description Ramón y Cajal funding program has the objective to train new generations of researchers through […]

Dr. Aldo Arranz-López

Researcher - Ramón y Cajal Fellow Dr. Aldo Arranz-López is Ramón y Cajal Fellow at ZLC since January 2024. Before coming to Zaragoza, he was postdoc researcher at the Technical University of Madrid (2020). Then, he was awarded an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship and moved to Frankfurt (Germany), being part of the Institute of Human [...]

Data-driven, Integrated, Syncromodal, Collaborative and Optimised urban freight meta model for a new generation of urban logistics and planning with data sharing at European Living Labs

Acronym: DISCO Project number: 101103954 Funding Body: European Commission – Horizon Europe Type of funding: Public Main Researcher: Susana Val Start date: 01/05/2023 End date: 31/10/2026 Duration: 42 months Project description DISCO will develop and demonstrate – in real-life conditions – a federated European urban freight (UF) data space as one stop shop of data […]
