Topic: Transport Networks & Urban Mobility


Mediterranean Interoperatibility E-services for Logistics and Environment sustainability

Acronym: MIELE Official reference: 2010-EU-210005-S Financing entity: European Commission-Transeuropean Transport Network Main Researcher: Susana Val Other Researchers: Mario Monsreal Term: 01/01/2011- 31/12/2013 Link to project website: Member States involvedItaly, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Cyprus Implementation schedule Start date: September 2010 End date: December 2013 Co-ordinator: RINA SPA as an Implementing body of the Italian Ministry of […]


Analysis and optimization of Urban Freight Distribution in Zaragoza

Acronym: DUMZ Funding body: Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism Main researcher: Susana Val Other researchers: Blanca Esteban Start date: 04/09/2012End date: 04/03/2013Duration: 6 months Project Description This project aims at analyzing the problems stemming from the urban freight distribution in the city of Zaragoza. Its goal is to design a series of demonstrators […]


Methodology to Analyze, Systematize, and Quantify Performance in Freight Logistics Chains

Main Researcher: Susana Val Other Researchers: Blanca Esteban, Rubén Sáinz (University of Cantabria), Emilio Larrodé (University of Zaragoza) Funding Body: Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) Type of Funding: Public Term: November 23, 2011 to July 22, 2012 Project Description Logistics performance is a measurement of how efficient logistics is in enabling the flow of goods from […]


Efficient micro-consolidation centers for sustainable urban freight distribution

Project Reference: IPT-2011-2006-370000 Acronym: MEDUSA Main Researcher: Mario Monsreal Funding Body: Ministry of Science and Innovation (INNPACTO 2011) Type of Funding: Public Start Date: 04-05-2011 End Date: 31-12-2014 Description The project aims to propose an innovative action in the field of urban freight distribution, which will improve the productivity of transport companies and reduce the […]


Monograph on Logistics and Transport in Aragón

Coordinator Body: Chamber of Commerce of Zaragoza Type of Funding: Private Main Researchers: Susana Val, Jesús Royo Other Researchers: Diego Chocarro, Beatriz Bordetas, Samir Kattour, Rubén Sáinz Term: 14/01/2010-30/09/10 Download Monograph Project Description The Logistics and Transport of Aragón Monograph reflects the efforts of the Autonomous Region of Aragon to invigorate industry in this region, […]


Logistics and Socioeconomic impact project of the Central Transpyrenean Crossing

Funding Body: Fundación Transpirenaica Term: 2009-2010 Project Description Given that the Central Corridor of the Pyrenees represents the 16th project of Trans-European transport networks in order of priority, several studies have been carried out with the aim of achieving its viability. An analysis of these studies shows that none of them have been focused on […]


The Agents that make up the air freight transport chain

Official reference:125/08 Funding Body: Ministry of Development Type of Funding: Public Main Researcher: Susana Val Other Researchers: María Perez, Diego Chocarro, Sira Marqueta, Clara García, Noelia Mayoral, Sergio Fernández, Santiago Kraiselburd, Daniel Betrán Term: 12/03/2009 – 12/03/2009 Project Description The project was a seminar regarding national air freight from the point of view of the logistics […]


Definition of a Spanish Network of Logistics Platforms

Acronym: RELOG Official reference: P21/08 Funding Body: Ministry of Development Type of Funding: Public Main Researcher: Susana Val Other Researchers: Diego Chocarro, Samir Kattour, Mustafa Çagri Gürbüz, Daniel Betrán Term 05/01/2009 – 04/01/2012 Project Description This projects aims to design a coordinated system of logistics platforms, integrated within the set of Spanish infrastructures, which will […]


Innovative traveller information technologies for the promotion of sustainable urban mobility

Acronym: MOBITRANS Official reference: E 6/08 Funding Body: Ministry of Science and Innovation Type of Funding: Public Main Researcher: Susana Val Other Researchers: Diego Chocarro Term: 05/01/2009 – 04/01/2011 Link to Project Website: Project Description The ultimate aim of the project is to promote sustainable urban mobility and the use of public transport through the […]


Analysis of accessibility and efficiency of operations in intermodal interchange nodes and logistics platforms

Acronym: INTERNODAL Official reference: PT-2007-042-15CCSM Funding Body: Centro de estudios y experimentación de obras públicas (CEDEX) Type of Funding: Public Main Researcher: Susana Val Other Researchers: María Pérez, Samir Kattour, Santiago Kraiselburd, Fernando Liesa Term: 04/12/2007 – 05/03/2010 Link to Project Website: Project Description The objective is to improve accessibility to modal intermodal interchange centres […]


Project for the development of the Zaragoza Airport

Funding Body: Centros Logísticos Aeroportuarios S.A. (CLASA), Plataforma Logística de Zaragoza (PLAZA) Type of Funding: Private Researchers: Susana Val and Jarrod Goentzel Term: 2005/11/04 – 2006/11/04 Project Description The airport of Zaragoza is a well equipped airport in aeronautical infrastructures with very low congestion, which has been possible to achieve an important place in the […]


Project for the Promotion of Spanish Companies’ Competitiveness through Logistics as a Strategic Factor in a Global Environment

Acronym: GLOBALOG Official reference: PSE-370500-2006-1. Funding Body: Ministry of Education and Ministry of Science and Innovation Type of Funding: Public Main Researchers: María Jesús Sáenz, Fabrizio Salvador, Jesús Royo, Susana Val, Prashant Yadav, Fernando Liesa Other Researchers: Richard Pibernik, Jarrod Goentzel, Carolina García, Santiago Kraiselburd, María Hernández, Björn Claes, Desiree Knoppen, Jeanett Bolther, Fernando Roldán, Amir […]


Analysis of the logistics chains included in the intermodal transfer processes to and from the air mode. Quantitative and qualitative forecast of country/products mobility. Behavioral models, determining factors, comparative advantages and decisional elements in the use of the air mode for the freight transport

Funding Body: Ministry of Development, Airport Logistics Centers S.A. (CLASA) Term: 2006-2008 Project Description The objective of this project has been to determine the intermodal processes in the air transport cargo, as well as to feature the behavior of the agents that are involved in the logistics chain with the goal of establishing the most […]